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Set up MMS - Samsung Galaxy J7 - Android - Device Guides
Apr 04, · I Bought a $3 2TB USB Drive and Got More Than Just Malware - Duration: Jays Tech Vault Recommended for you. 8 Select OK. Your phone will reset to default Internet and MMS settings. MMS problems should be solved at this point. Please continue the guide if you still cannot send/receive MMS. I Can’t Find My MMS Pictures and Videos on My Android. So let’s say you can send and receive MMS just fine, but whenever you try and find it elsewhere on your Android, it’s nowhere to be found. This is either a problem with downloading MMS properly or a memory issue if you’re absolutely sure your saved MMS files aren’t on your phone.
Android failed to download mms
Are you ready for the Galaxy S20? Here is everything we know so far! Best Answer: Post 8 by BravevolfanMar 25, 1 points. JooseyJay Member. I'm not sure what causes this, because hangouts doesn't work with MMS for me and the stock app does.
I know I have been able to send MMS in the past via the stock app, but I don't think it has been working as of late.
I know that I have never been able to get group text through the stock app though. Kinda stinks since my boss sends out group texts to my dept at work and I never get them or the replies.
Bravevolfan Lurker. Uninstall the hangouts updates and go back to the original Talk app. You should be able to receive MMS from the stock messaging app. I had the same issue, but since doing this everything is great. I was able the other day to receive a MMS, but that was it. Couldn't get them today.
I thought that maybe since handcent has the option to set tower carriers, that it would be able to set the correct Proxy and such.
I've had the same issue from the day I got the Centura. I have tracfone service. I've tried numerous fixes. Including adding APN settings. My wife has the same phone and same service and is able to send MMS images as well as group texts without much issue. Although oddly, she can't send images to herself. Android failed to download mms is extremely frustrating. It's not that I send images often and can avoid this if I need to.
But the fact that I can't receive a text if I'm part of someone else's group text drives me nuts. I uninstalled Textra downloaded text program, in hopes of solving the original problem. I cleared data on both the stock text program called Messaging, android failed to download mms.
I android failed to download mms cleared data on Hangouts, which was also installed as a stock program. Now I'm able to send images and group texts. Group texts are still sent and received as separate individual texts, so hopefully I'll receive them fine when someone sends a group text from iPhone or others. I installed another messaging program as well and it gave me the same issue as well. Apparently we are stuck using the stock app.
I finally got this fixed after banging my head against the wall for days! Ok, check it out. My Note 4 android 4. The problem is not the app or the phone, it's the Sim card. Starting from the home screen, go to apps bottom right corner look for the settings app and click it, now look around for anything that says "About Device" and click it, then click "Status", now scroll down until you see where it says "My Phone Number".
If it says "unknown" under it. Call your mobile carrier and tell them you need to add your phone number to your Sim card. They can fix this with a couple of clicks. You power off your phone and power it back on and BOOM! The group messaging is working flawlessly, and the check box will be there, android failed to download mms.
If it still says "unknown" under where your phone number should be, don't worry. Just restart your phone every hour until your Sim card diplays your phone number in the settings, about device, status, My phone number, android failed to download mms. The Sanity Inspector Newbie. Same here, no MMS with Textra. Julie Durand Lurker. AlisonDMurphy Lurker. Any suggestions for a Motorola phone not receiving group texts from iPhone users? I can't send the group texts either. It just android failed to download mms this week July 12, Talked to my carrier - Virgin Mobile and she assured me that the problem android failed to download mms with iPhone users, not Virgin Mobile.
I was told to let my friends know so they could reset their phones. This doesn't help me. Any thoughts? Lustus Lurker. It lets you pick which phone number to use for each party. After thread initiation, one can use the regular Hangouts app on the phone or computer to continue.
I am assuming that it is using MMS to accomplish this but my parties have not responded yet. But I'm confident it was going out. Edit: The group text session was indeed established and all parties participated.
Similar Threads - MMS group text. Replies: 2 Views: Replies: 4 Views: Oxygen Replies: 1 Views: Dannydet Jan 26, Hadron Oct 8, VegiittoSep 30,in forum: Android Lounge. Replies: 3 Views: DonB Oct 1, Android failed to download mms 1 Views: 5, Dannydet Sep 3, Replies: 7 Views: 1, Shotgun84 Apr 14, Tags: samsung galaxy centura.
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What to do if Galaxy S8 can't send or receive MMS [troubleshooting guide]
, time: 5:08Android failed to download mms

Sometimes when someone sends me an MMS (either group text or picture) I never receive it. I will get a notification saying "Message failed to download. Tap to retry." But when I tap to retry, it just takes me to a new blank message inside the texting app, so I never get to . Nov 09, · I can't seem to send or receive ANY MMS.I also can't receive any group text at all (from either apple or android devices). All I get is the "touch to download" even though I have "automatically download MMS" on in the settings. In addition to supporting end-to-end encrypted messages and calls with other Signal users, Signal Android can be configured as your default SMS/MMS app. Learn how to distinguish when communication is private (Signal message) or insecure (SMS/MMS). Insecure media and group messages (MMS) are transmitted through your mobile plan and incur fees as set by your mobile plan.
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